當您的虎王保險柜在使用過程中遇到任何問題,影響到您的正常使用時,無需擔憂。虎王始終堅守 “品質鑄就信賴,服務贏得口碑” 的理念,在致力于為您打造安全的保險柜產品的同時,也高度重視為您提供全方位、高品質的售后服務。我們專業的售后維修團隊時刻待命,隨時準備為您排憂解難。
我們的售后維修電話是:400 - 8388 - 434。無論您面臨保險柜無法正常開啟、密碼遺忘、鎖具故障,還是其他任何與保險柜相關的難題,都請即刻撥打這個電話與我們取得聯系。
After - sales Telephone Instructions for Huwang Safe
Dear Customers:
When any problems occur during the use of your Huwang safe and affect your normal use, there is no need to worry. Huwang always adheres to the concept of "Quality builds trust, and service earns reputation". While striving to create extremely safe safe products for you, we also attach great importance to providing you with comprehensive and high - quality after - sales services. Our professional after - sales maintenance team is always on standby, ready to solve problems for you at any time.
Our after - sales maintenance phone number is: 400 - 8388 - 434. Whether you are faced with issues such as the safe not opening normally, forgetting the password, lock failures, or any other problems related to the safe, please immediately call this number to get in touch with us.
After dialing the phone, warm, professional and patient customer service staff will communicate with you immediately. They will comprehensively and deeply understand the problems you are facing. With solid professional knowledge and rich practical experience, they will quickly arrange the most suitable maintenance personnel for you. Our maintenance personnel have all undergone strict and systematic training, possess excellent maintenance techniques, and have accumulated a great deal of experience in the field of safe maintenance. They can quickly and accurately diagnose problems and efficiently solve various malfunctions, ensuring that your Huwang safe returns to normal use in the shortest time and continuously provides rock - solid security for your valuables.